I can't believe it's been about a month and a half since Arthur and I got officially engaged! It is crazy how everything just fell into place...and turned out perfect! All in all, I just feel sooo blessed to have found my soul mate at this point in my life! I can not wait to spend eternity with him! I'm sure this upcoming year will be filled with some of our best times, as we plan our wedding, and enjoy our engagement!
I start school next week...and as much as I have enjoyed winter break, I am ready for yet another semester, and what is hopefully going to be my last before I attend Cal State. I am nervous and excited at the same time, as I'm sure its going to be a whole new experience. I really feel that once I begin my classes there, I will have a refreshed motivation towards my career goals of becoming an optometrist. At times, it seems like such a big mountain to climb, and with so many distractions, I find it soo easy to get side tracked, and to even say, hey, forget about optometry. I really hope I can continue to stay on track and not get distracted by life. I am sure that once I accomplish this, (probably one of the biggest accomplishments of my life) I will be soo glad and proud of myself, and I'm sure my family will as well! I am so glad to have Arthur by my side during this time, as he has been a GREAT support system for me! I've never had someone believe in me so much! (THANK YOU BABE!) I have realized how easy it would be to..., well take the easy way out, but I am so determined to challenge myself and push myself to do something great. I know that it will be worth it years later, when I achieve the lifestyle I have always imagined! I just have to have FAITH and just find my motivation and drive.
Just over three months ago, I started my new job at an optometry office that was suppose to be busier then the one I was currently at...and although I cant say I'm 100% happy as to the point where I can see myself there forever, I think it has been a positive step in my career. Not to mention that I don't see myself working through college...these science classes drain you! But with the planning of a wedding, and starting off on our own, its not going to be a easy decision. I suppose I will work as long as I can, but at what point do I say, okay, this is where I stop contributing financially, and start focusing on my education? I feel almost as though there will never be a " right time" for that...especially with our given circumstances. I'm just hoping that things will work themselves out.
I have such split feelings about my future! The part I am most looking forward to is not having to say good bye to Arthur every night! :) It's the worst having to be away from him. I'm so excited about picking our own place, and decorating it, furnishing it, and calling it our own! I would imagine that I would be very meticulous about our home and its cleanliness, but what if I feel lazy? Or what if I am so overwhelmed with work and/or school?? Does that mean I'm not ready?? :-/ And I must admit, my menu is NOT very extensive...I need to get a cook book and start bugging momma and grandma for some recipes! :) Hope Arthur wont be ordering pizza behind my back. lol There are just lots of unknowns about our future, but I guess that's what make it exciting! Obviously, I'm going to try to be the best wifey ever and make Arthur as happy and as proud as I possibly can!
Well, considering that tomorrow is my second to last day off before school starts, I should go to bed so I can wake up and be ready for Arthur to come over for lunch then ...well who knows!
Till next time, ...CIAO!