Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So tomorrow is a big day for me, as I am graduating from FJC. Next semester I begin my journey at Cal State Fullerton.......I'm so excited to have finally began my next step towards my future...but its exactly that which I'm so confused about. For over a decade, I have been convinced that my calling was to be an optometrist. I shifted all my gears towards that and immersed myself in the field. Initially, everything was great, I was going to go to college, get my AA, transfer to a Cal State, get my BA in bio, then transfer to SCCO. I would have my OD in no time and everything would be great. Everyone was so proud of me, excited for me, but most importantly, I was so excited for myself. I could imagine all the great things I would have and what a great successful future I would have. But things didn't go exactly as planned. I have been at my college for 5 years...and each day, especially towards the end has been nothing but a struggle. Its gotten to the point where I convinced myself that optometry just wasn't for me. I just didn't get it. I don't get the science classes, the math classes. Also, there is Arthur...Now that he is in my changes things. I can't just focus on school...I'm going to have to keep a household, take care of him, and eventually start a family. I cant just take my time with school. Am I thinking into this too much? Trying to plan into the future too much? Honestly, I'm SOOO scared. What if I stick with optometry but I fail? I don't do good in school, or after I get my BA, I don't get accepted into optometry school, or after I get my OD I can't find a job I'm happy with.... So, I convinced myself that majoring in business was what I wanted to do instead. This way, I'll graduate in about two years (so I thought), just in time to start thinking about having a family and what not. But I found out today that its not that easy to just switch into business. and that I would have to kinda start from the bottom there too. So that's probably going to be another 3-4 years. What if I decide to go with business...but what if I regret it. What if I always wish I gave optometry a chance. Or what if I choose business to give starting a family a chance, but that doesn't go as planned, or if plans change...UGH! I wish the answer was clearer. I wish I knew in my heart what I needed to do. I don't want to be the bread winner in the family, but I don't know if I'll regret it later. Getting to optometry is going to be a very very long road. And I think I've made my load heavier by getting involved in a relationship. I don't even know where I see myself in 10 years anymore. ....I don't even know where I see myself next year...and that's the scariest part.